Restaurant Veronica
Lviv Restaurant Veronica - is a restaurant with its superb European and national food. For several years to them come a lot of respectable and wealthy citizens and visitors, because their cakes are the best , and their cuisine are the most tasty .
"Puhlenke" restaurant menu includes vegetarian dishes, Breakfasts , Fish dishes, meat dishes, desserts ....
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Restaurant "Atmosphere"
Near the heart of the ancient city of Lviv is the restaurant of European cuisine creative "Atmosphere." Cultural, historical and business centers are interwoven in this institution. Here reign different views, different ideas, but a common atmosphere.
Restaurant "Panorama"
Want to see the center of the city at a glance? Restaurant "Panorama" that hotel "Opera" invites visitors to enjoy unsurpassed views of the city, settled comfortably on the terrace or in the hall.
The refined atmosphere of the restaurant "Panorama"
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Restaurant "Europe"
One of the central streets of ancient Lviv invite you to visit a very cozy and elegant restaurant "Europe". Classic and stylish interior with exclusive traditional restaurants in Europe. You will see here a real friendly atmosphere, try gourmet cuisine, and enjoy incredible desserts.
An ideal place business lunch at a reasonable price, banquets, parties, business meetings, friends, foreign, corporate events
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At the end of a dark entrances to the Market Square lies this original and popular taverns. To get there, you must pass an interesting procedure of "face-control":
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Irish Pub "Dublin"
If you search in Lviv a place of Irish traditions then you must visit the Dublin Pub. You can find it in the center of Lion's city.
In pub you can feel a light atmosphere of Ireland and drink some exclusive sorts of beer.
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"Vienna Cafe"
Vienna coffee house is one of the oldest in town, because in 1829 it was designed and builded as a cafe, and not suited as others.
During its 182 years history of coffeethere still is amazing Austrian atmosphere, elegant charm of Polish and famous Ukrainian hospitality.
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