Lviv Restaurant Veronica - is a restaurant with its superb European and national food. For several years to them come a lot of respectable and wealthy citizens and visitors, because their cakes are the best , and their cuisine are the most tasty .
"Puhlenke" restaurant menu includes vegetarian dishes, Breakfasts , Fish dishes, meat dishes, desserts ....
Excellent knowledge of all subtleties of their profession and use of modern technology that helps to create gastronomic miracles.
For breakfast croissants with jam or honey, omelets, pancakes, freshly made juices.Along with national dishes there are French specialties and fantasy with using Mediterranean products.
In wine's book there are the best wine from France, Italy, Spain, Australia, Argentina, Chile, North America, South Africa.
Meals are served very nicely. There no seats available and this fact confirms - the Restaurant Veronica is very popular.
Lviv Restaurant Veronica - always delicious dishes!
Contact inforamtion
Address: Lviv, Shevchenko avenue, 21
Tel.: (032) 298 60 28
Tags: Restaurant Veronica in Lviv Ukraine, Lviv
Restaurant Veronica
, lviv restaurants, restaurants in lviv, the best restaurants of Lviv, tasty dishes in Lviv