Lviv 2011: opening of the new stadium, airport reconstruction, the first bicycle roads, two new roads, new traffic scheme, additional groups in the garden, a temple of St. Peter and Paul ... And that's not all that lived in Lviv in 2011. We recall the main events together of the year.
In anticipation of the Euro
Lviv received the handsome new stadium-by 33 thousand persons, which is summer 2012 teams will play of Portugal, Denmark and Germany.
The stadium will serve 700 stewards. Continued construction of a new international airport terminal named Danylo Galician,
which annually host more than 5 million tourists.
Another 38 km of new roads. Five areas last year Lychakivska, Horodotska, Zelena, Shevchenka got a new cover.
A "Lviv Arena" and Stryj now connects the new road across street Vernadsky. 12 streets in the heart of authentic cobbled back cover.
Bicycle roads
In Lviv, develop a new form of transport. This year, built 12 km Bicycle roads
Bicycle roads
first appeared on the st. Lipinsky, Shevchenko and Voronoi. Also equipped with 39 bicycle station .
Transport changes
In Lviv introduce a new transport scheme.
Thus, already earned 5 new radial routes with 38-we large buses. Every weeks drives night buses.
Accessible care
In the neighborhood of Riasne-2 opened the first clinic of family medicine. Now, eight thousand inhabitants do not have to go in the 3rd hospital for examination.
4 new branches and offices opened in the hospital on the street. Mykolaychuk, in the second clinic on V. Symonenko and the fourth clinic on Avenue C. Kalin. At Children's Hospital at Orlik earned rehabilitation and game room.
More Kindergartens
In open this year, additional groups involved 160 children.
Also in 50 schools and kindergartens held various repairs. Overhaul a renovated swimming pool, 20 roofs and 6 food processing enterprises.
Lions remembers its heroes
Every month from the budget of the UPA soldiers receive an additional payment to the pension of 500 hryvnias.
In addition, financial assistance totaling more than 11 million from the city are poor and war veterans.
Heat all
Thanks functioning bloc tariff scheme for heating in Lviv replaced over 17 km of heat networks trained boiler 131 and 147 substations, eliminated two basement boiler room.
Housing innovations
Lions introduced a new practice - in homes where residents pay one hundred percent utilities, at the expense of LKP staircase installed energy efficient windows.This year over 114 entrances were such windows. Also in 1390 renovated staircases.
It becomes lighter
This year lighting 4 more architectural monuments - the tower Kornyakta, churches of Michael George, stone house of Scholz-Volfovychiv.
Arranged outdoor lighting is about 9 schools and kindergartens.
The historical event
After 65-year break for believers openly largest temple town - the church of St. Peter and Paul (Jesuit Church).
Its for up - 5 thousand people. In addition to worship in the church will hold evening of classical music with restored antique organ.
Renewed interest
This year Lubomirski restored palace, the church of John the Baptist, the prophet Elijah, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Peter and Paul.
Colon was restored John of Dukla, 6 at the Lviv cemetery tombstones, frescoes and altar "Golgotha" in the Armenian church. Together with German experts restored 122 windows and 27 gates.
Healthy lifestyle
After limiting the sale of alcohol in the city began actively promotes sport. A second fair sport, which visited 10 thousand children, fewer shares are held by districts.
Parents are able to give a child in one of the 100 sports clubs in urban circles. For sports in the neighborhood of New Znesinnya equipped mini football stadium with artificial surface, renovated 2 large gyms.
Tourism industry
This year the Lions visited 15% more tourists than last year. Over 800 thousand UAH of income in the city budget from the tourist tax.
Now tourists come to the city for longer - 3-4 days and spends an average of EUR 400. This year, besides the traditional (Day of the city, St. coffee, Christmas and Easter fairs), new holiday - Alfa Jazz Fest, Festival of Armenian Street.
Open to the world
Lions for the first time with big theatrical musical act went to visit other cities. More than 80 thousand inhabitants of different cities participated in the Days of the city of Lugansk, Odessa, Kiev and Kharkov.
In addition, a historical event took place in the heart of the Christian world - the Vatican. The area of St. Martha placed the tree from the city. Every day it must be able to see the Pope and archbishops.