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Stryiskyi Park


In the early twentieth century Stryiskyi Park is considered one of the most beautiful parks in Europe. Half a century ago the Stryiskyi Park was with sand dunes and steep ravines. The park was founded in 1879 in place of former Stryisky cemetery.

Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine - Стрийський парк Львів

1894 in Stryiskyi Park was opened. And since 1922 it held annually Oriental Auctions - huge fair where dozens of the world's largest companies are representing various commodities.

Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine - Стрийський парк Львів

In 1930 here was the first radio in Lviv where was broadcasting the transfer of two humorists Tontsya and Scheptsya.

Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine - Стрийський парк Львів

Tontso and Scheptso were so popular that they and their characters were featured in texts of popular songs of Lviv. Sam "head" of the Polish state dictator Pilsudski gave their comments to the programs Tontsya and Scheptsya.

Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine - Стрийський парк Львів

In Stryiskyi Park on weekends and on holidays people liked to play and dance. In 30-ies in the memory of the park remained the song:

In Stryiska park Festyny

There are fun cool flow

There kuharok whole in January ..

Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine - Стрийський парк Львів

Today, the park is more than 52 hectares and it consists of three landscape units: the lower zone, park area, upper terrace.

Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine - Стрийський парк Львів

Stryiskyi Park has always been proudly local inhabitants. Unfortunately in our time Stryiskyi Park is in bad state : there do not conduct fairs and the park is looks like as a forsaken. But people and today gladly come here to relax.

Tags: Stryiskyi Park Lviv Ukraine, parks in Lviv, the best park of europe, Europe the best park, where to relax in lviv, lviv, parks

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   Category: Parks in Lviv | Views: 44327 | Rating: 3.4/5 Total comments: 1

Added by: conpinteyroouo

Date of publication: 06.08.2014

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